The house is the home of the Riikonen doll family. Riikonen is a common Finnish family name and our children and I randomly picked it up from the telephone directory.
Tässä on vanhoja kuvia ensimmäisestä nukkekodistani, Riikosten talosta. Tein talosta piirustukset ja mieheni auttoi rakentamaan talon vuonna 2004.
Talo on Riikosen nukkeperheen koti. Riikosen nimen arvoin umpimähkään lasteni kanssa puhelinluettelosta.
Hello Minna!
I have been looking quietly on your blog ☺ and I think your doll houses are amazing.
That's why I've nominated you for the Lemonade Award!
For details please see
A happy New Year to you and your family!
I see you also like the ice-blue color!! It is really lovely. Great Doll's House!!!!!!!!!!
What an amazing house.
Thanks so much for linking my blog! I really appreciate it.
I love dollhouses and have always wanted one. Yours is so cute.
Your doll house is amazing! Did you make all the furnitures and stuffs yourself? I love doll houses and I'm thinking of getting one for myself.
Thank you! I have made a few of the things for this house myself, but there is a lot bought stuff, too. For my other houses I have tried to make most of the things myself.
Hola me encanta la casita es preciosa, enhorabuena por todos tus trabajos son lindisimos.
I love your dollhouse stuff! It's so fun to see everything in miniature.
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