14 September 2008

Mayhem in Miniature - Sekasorto pienoiskoossa

A piece of good news to all miniaturists who enjoy reading mysteries: Margaret Grace's newest book "Mayhem in Miniature" is available now. I have just received my copy of the book and I started to read it and I enjoy it as much as I enjoyed reading "Murder in Miniature", the first book in the Dollhouse Mysteries series.

Hyviä uutisia mineilijöille, jotka pitävät dekkareista: Margaret Gracen uusin kirja "Mayhem in Miniature" on ilmestynyt. Ostin kirjan juuri ja aloin lukea sitä ja pidän siitä yhtä paljon kuin pidin "Murder in Miniature" -kirjasta, Dollhouse Mysteries -sarjan ensimmäisestä osasta.


Anonymous said...


Nice blog but the audio welcome message is annoying when your listening to music and it starts auto playing as soon as you open your page. I thought I would let you know that its kinda annoying but I like your blog

Take Care,


Anonymous said...

Ah hello- I am Finnish American- haven't seen to many Finnish bloggers. Love the Elvis and Priscilla dolls. Too I think it's cool that you blog in English and Finnish.

Anonymous said...

Yes, I am reading them both. I interviewed Camille Minichino aka Margaret Grace on The Dollhouse & Miniatures Blog and the sweetie of a lady sent me her books! SHE IS AN EXCELLENT AUTHOR!