Mayhem in Miniature - Sekasorto pienoiskoossa
A piece of good news to all miniaturists who enjoy reading mysteries: Margaret Grace's newest book "Mayhem in Miniature" is available now. I have just received my copy of the book and I started to read it and I enjoy it as much as I enjoyed reading "Murder in Miniature", the first book in the Dollhouse Mysteries series.Hyviä uutisia mineilijöille, jotka pitävät dekkareista: Margaret Gracen uusin kirja "Mayhem in Miniature" on ilmestynyt. Ostin kirjan juuri ja aloin lukea sitä ja pidän siitä yhtä paljon kuin pidin "Murder in Miniature" -kirjasta, Dollhouse Mysteries -sarjan ensimmäisestä osasta.
Nice blog but the audio welcome message is annoying when your listening to music and it starts auto playing as soon as you open your page. I thought I would let you know that its kinda annoying but I like your blog
Take Care,
Ah hello- I am Finnish American- haven't seen to many Finnish bloggers. Love the Elvis and Priscilla dolls. Too I think it's cool that you blog in English and Finnish.
Yes, I am reading them both. I interviewed Camille Minichino aka Margaret Grace on The Dollhouse & Miniatures Blog and the sweetie of a lady sent me her books! SHE IS AN EXCELLENT AUTHOR!
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